

7 thg 4, 2010

Funeral Speeches

At Caesar's funeral two speeches were given. The first speaker was Brutus. His message to the audience was that they shouldn't be sad that Caesar is gone. He was telling them all the negative things that would persuade people that the assasination of Caesar was a good choice for the people if Rome. He made it clear that they would live as slaves if Caesar was given the crown again. He told them all sorts of things that would make them feel good that Caesar is dead. However Brutus was warned that he should've been the last speaker. People who hear speeches often remember the last one they heard. Marc Antony gave a speech telling his message that Brutus and his men were all foe's. Antony was telling them all the good things Caesar has done for Rome. He was telling them that Caesar was already offered the crown twice and turned both chances down. Making that message as if he would of gotten another offer from the senate what would make them belive that they ( the people of Rome ) would live as slaves, because he denied both offers. With his speech Antony won the crowd over by reading to them Caesars will. In the outcome of all this mess. Brutus and his men got their homes destroyed by the people of Rome because of the sudden death of Caesar.

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